Monday, May 19, 2008

Death Swarms Over...

I went to my doctor last week to get a physical before the running season gets fully underway. I just like to make sure that everything is in good condition before I put my body through the hell that is marathon training. Invariably, every year I end up hurting myself in some way or another. I have already been having issues with my hip (although it feels ok right now). Unfortunately, my good intentions seem to have failed as I have caught a bug and I really feel like hell right now. I know I have been fighting something for the past several weeks (some of which I chalk up to allergies) but this has taken me down for the count. Oddly enough, this weekend was the Miracle Mile run that the Galloway program does to determine speed and group like paced runners together. I ran the mile in 6:34 which is fairly decent considering it is the beginning of the season and I was under the weather. Since then however, it has been all downhill (no running pun intended).

Kim has been awesome as I know I have been a baby. I feel like hell and I know I have probably worn thin on her nerves. Which leads me to the question... when did I start to become like my father and become a baby when I get sick??? I guess it is true what they say about the apple falling from the tree. Anyway, thanks Kim for all your patience...


Unknown said...

Yep... between you and The Bug...


Todd Krebs said...

Ya know... I try to give you props and you say that I am as needy as the cat? Wow... very harsh!

(For all that don't know him, The Bug is not like normal cats. He is VERY needy and doesn't leave you alone.)

Kerry said...

You are a big baby, right? ;-)

Unknown said...

Awww, I'm sorry. I do like taking care of you.